(Cancer, June 22 - July 22: Your hard work always pays off! Sure, it might take longer than you'd like to reap the rewards of your sweat equity, but it will come -- you must have faith! So if you see a chance to get a little further in a goal or on a project, go for it. So what if you've already got a lot on your plate or are feeling tired? The harder you work now, the sooner you will be able to relax. Dig down to unearth that Type A personality lurking inside of you. It will help you power through and persevere. (Photograph Source, We Heart It.)

(Leo, July 23 - August 22: You have an unbeatable combination of flexibility and maturity today that makes you pretty much, well, unbeatable! You'll be able to rise above any petty dramas with ease -- you're too grown-up to get involved in the childish antics of others. Taking this attitude will gain you respect and more than a little admiration from a former foe. Things are about to shift in your direction, and you will have a chance to gain a lot more power a lot earlier than you thought. (Photograph Source, Deviant Art.)

(Virgo, August 23 - September 22: The idea of partnership is very appealing to you right now -- working with another person will be challenging, but it's the kind of challenge that you are craving right now. You will showcase all your strengths, and they will showcase theirs. Try to put together some sort of task for a duo today, even if it is as simple as a carpool. Okay, so you two might not solve all the world's problems -- but you will at least be able to drive in the carpool lane! (Photograph Source, We Heart It. Horoscope via Us.Glamour.com. Tomorrow, Thursday, April 9: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittaruis.)