(Gorgeous juxtaposition of exotic accessories with mirrored side table and glass lamps! Source, decor pad.)
(Feng Shui suggests the use of vibrant tones such as red, purple and blue in the areas you devote to financial work serve to increase your chances of prosperity. Hanging a mirror in the work space will also aid in earning and keeping money. Wind chimes signal financial good fortune, so keep one hanging around. Be sure you sit facing the door, never with your back to it. A clear view of the door will help you feel more secure and allow you to be more productive. Photograph Source, Photographer Tom Palumbo via vi.sualize.us.)
{p.s. don't forget to enter for your chance to win one of three MAYBELLINE PULSE PERFECTION VIBRATING MASCARAS. Give-away ends this Friday!)
(Libra, September 23 to October 22: Your sign's skills as negotiator, mediator and go-between have been famous for what seems like forever, and with good reason. You can talk anyone into anything, so long as you believe in your heart that it's the right thing to do. So when you're approached by someone who needs you to help them deliver the unvarnished truth, you won't just accept the job -- you'll volunteer for it. And well you should.)
(Scorpio, October 23 to November 21: After days of heavy, intense conversations, you've finally reached a compromise of sorts. You'll keep talking, but there will be absolutely no arguing. If you can't see eye to eye, you'll agree to disagree. Initially, that might not sound like progress. But if you think of where you've come from, you'll realize that it's not just progress -- it's the beginning of a whole new style of communication, and it will lead to a whole new type of understanding.)
(Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21: Every picture tells a story, so go ahead and dig out those old snapshots of you and that long-lost someone you haven't talked to in forever. Wow -- look how much fun you guys had together! Isn't it a shame you drifted apart and lost touch? Wouldn't it be great to get in contact and see how they're doing now? And isn't it funny that these are all questions you can answer? Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, Nicholasv. Tomorrow, July 9th's horoscope: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces.)