Friday, May 21, 2010

Weekend Signoff :)

{I've left for a well deserved long-weekend (here in Canada, Monday is an official holiday) camping get-away... yes camping! Love the quiet, relaxing, slow-pace environment. Wishing each of you an exceptional weekend and look forward to touching base with you soon.  p.s. welcome new followers and thank you so much for the lovely comments left this week!}

(Source, the bottom of the ironing basket)

{p.s. quite admire the effort of many notable bloggers in providing weekend links... not sure if I have the time to do it on a consistent basis, but here it goes for now... let me know if this is something you like?}

* adorable witty and lovely thank you daily notes to one's self
* always and forever enjoy the end of week's buffet
* quite smitten with this budget-friendly, gorgeous apartment
* beautiful inspiration for a child's space 
* a favourite vegan recipe (minus the crumbled goat cheese)
* excellent advice on how to have an awesome day {cutest video included}
* now this is what I call modeling, natural talent to make another envious! 

xoxo, Linda

Inspiration: {Quotes}

("Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” ~ Marcus Aurelius" Photograph source, Fashion Gone Rogue; Quote via @Soultravelers3)

Inspiration: {Breakfast in Paris}

{Have a wonderful start to your day...}

(Source, Pia Jane Bijkerk.)

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