(I love the frame above the console... gorgeous! Source, DecorPad.)
{Daily horoscope for Tuesday, July 21, 2009.}
(Cancer, June 22 to July 22: Someone's opportunistic tendencies have served you well in the past, but it's time that you stood on your own two feet and made the bold moves you've been letting other people make for so long. It's a good day to be assertive! This is the time when the rubber really meets the road, and you have to be consistent in what you think. If making the most of a given situation doesn't sit well with you, then you have to be willing to get along with a little bit less.)
(Leo, July 23 to August 23: When you enter into a new situation today, watch for people who aren't interested in making you feel at home. They could see you as the competition (even if you are not) and give you less than a naturally warm welcome. They're going through the motions just enough to seem polite, but not enough to feel genuine. Don't take this treatment personally. And do not bend over backward to ingratiate yourself to this person -- there is no sense in wasting energy trying to charm someone like this.)
(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: Today, you need to get it in your head that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it's a sign that you are smart enough to know your limits -- and when you are about to go past them. So before things get to the panic phase, seek the assistance you know you need. Friends who have been there before are waiting for you to ask -- they have some great suggestions especially for your ears. You'll be glad you reached out. Horoscope via Marie.Claire. Photograph source, Flickr. Tomorrow, July 22nd's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius!)