Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Decor Inspiration: {A Blue Christmas}

* Musings.

Holiday Jewelry Inspiration: {Tiffany}

{that beautiful blue box... have received and given many beautiful treasures for Christmas. Who knows, perhaps again?}

* Patterson Maker.

Holiday Decor Inspiration: {Vegetables in Vases}

{love, love, love these unusual art forms of vegetables (baby flowering kale; mustard leaves and kale; a mix of purple cauliflower, kale, asparagus, pepper plant, beet greens and fennel; parsley and small white Japanese eggplants) used as centerpieces, a wonderful idea for the Holidays, don't you think?}

* Images from Domino 2006 by Mikkel Vang, scanned by Bluepoolroad for Musings.

Colour Inspiration: {Cognac}

{Good Monday morning, lovelies... hope your weekend was relaxing and rejuvenating... starting off the week with a bit of cognac colour inspiration.  Have a fantastic day, xo}

* 1. & 7. The House Tumbler | 2. here | 3. Concrete Jungle | 4. Louisxiv | 5. This is Glamorous | 6. Hey Gorgeous | 8. Roland Bello.

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