Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Blog Milestone + A Give-Away Contest

{March 2010 marked my second year anniversary of blogging for Simply Seductive. As much as I love blogging, you will no doubt know that it takes an incredible amount of time and effort to maintain a blog of high quality; with no less than two posts each day.

I measure my progress by the wonderful comments I receive and by the number of followers. I am aware there are many of you who visit this blog and are not followers. Well today, I hope to entice you to follow Simply Seductive and perhaps for you to encourage others to do so with a spectacular give-away of a snake-skin clutch from my personal handbag collection (see photographs below).

It is easy to qualify.  Simply become a follower of Simply Seductive and you will be automatically entered into the contest. Show evidence of encouraging others of following Simply Seductive and your name will be entered five more times. This can be done as simply as informing your readers of this give-away (either by tweeting about it or linking to this post on your blog) and letting me you've done so by leaving a comment to any of my posts.
Current followers of Simply Seductive are automatically entered.

The give-away will be awarded on June 21, 2010 BUT only if I have reached 1000 followers by then. Yes, I realize this is a lofty goal, but I have always believed in dreaming BIG and I firmly believe in my blog. Help me to achieve my goal and you will be eligible to receive this beautiful snake-skin clutch. All the very best, Linda.

 Good luck and thank you in advance!}

Halloween: Part II {Decor}

(Source, Country Living.)

(Source, Delish.)

(Source, Apartment Therapy.)

(Source, Martha Stewart.)

(Source, We Heart It.)

(Source, Coco+Kelley's gorgeous Halloween/Birthday-themed tabletop.)

Inspiration: Editorial

(Source, Photographer Kenneth Willardt via Calikartel.)

Daily Horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo

{Daily horoscope for Tuesday, October 27, 2009}

(Cancer, June 24 to July 22: The key to your happiness right now has everything to do with money -- but probably not in the way you think. It's not about getting more -- it's about learning how to better manage what you already have. Re-examine your savings situation and your budget. And if you don't yet have a budget, start working on one! Break down your expenses, and you'll quickly see some easy, painless ways to spend less and save a lot more.)

(Leo, July 23 to August 23: People who disagree with you won't annoy you today -- in fact, you will have an absolute blast debating ideas and learning how other people see things. Meeting someone new -- who has a lot to say about very controversial matters -- will tap into a seldom-used area of your brain and stimulate you to think in new ways. You may even (gasp!) change your mind about a thing or two. Revising your opinions and beliefs is necessary from time to time.)

(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: Your mind is really buzzing today, and it's creating tons of great ideas on how to better organize things. This is a perfect day to tackle any major cleaning projects you have -- the messiest garage, kitchen pantry or basement is no match for you! Even if you're not feeling especially ambitious today, you can still put this organizational energy to good use by planning a party or putting together a list of projects you want to tackle in the coming months. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, Amelia Earhart-inspired editorial by Peter Lindbergh for Harper’s Bazaar via Nibs. Have you seen the movie yet? Tomorrow, October 28th's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius.)

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