(Yet another image added to my palm tree gallery. Source, We Heart It.)
(Capricorn, December 22 to January 20: A work or school drama is carrying over into your free time, and this is growing into a problem. The fact is, people are demanding too much of you right now. It's time to be clear about what you can (and cannot) do for them. This applies to both your personal and business lives, but it's much more relevant to work or school right now. Shocking, thoughtless remarks will come from a surprising source; don't take them personally, though.)
(Aquarius, January 21 to February 18: Every choice you've made in the past has helped create the wonderful person you are, so be proud of the lessons you've learned. Show that pride by sticking to your guns and living up to the reputation you've created. People always rely on you to do the right thing, and that's an incredibly valuable (and flattering) position to be in. Don't dilute your point of view to appease other, more powerful people. They'll respect you all the more for being true to yourself -- and that's the goal.)
(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: The pace of the day will be fast -- but you'll love every minute of it. For a while now you've been itching for the people around you to pick up the pace, and you will definitely get your wish now. You will be in the middle of the action, playing conductor to a mad bunch of musicians who won't always follow your lead. Humor will be a useful tool for getting what you want from people who don't want to appear to be under your thumb. Reverse psychology will work wonders with a younger friend. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, Inès de la Fressange at her Paris office. Source,The Selby.)