(Romantic, captivating and a dreamy sunset shot in Venice. Source, the Sartorialist.)
("One learns through the heart, not the eyes or the intellect" ~ Mark Twain. Photograph Source, The English Muse.)
(Aries, March 21 to April 19: You just have to spill the beans to someone, or you'll burst. The problem is, you're not quite sure who you should be telling your secret to. Until you're sure, you had better hang on to it. A friend that you halfheartedly opt to confide in may have an agenda you're not aware of -- involving you, in far more than a friendly way. See? Keeping quiet might be best.)
(Taurus, April 20 to May 20: You've always had an innate respect for authority, and it hasn't gone anywhere. So now, when a tough situation seems possible, you know exactly who to turn to for advice, and they'll be more than happy -- no, they'll be positively tickled -- that you turned to them. It's a win-win situation, obviously. The best part is that you'll come away with the counsel you need to end something that's been making you crazy.)
(Gemini, May 21 to June 21: It's not unusual to find that you have something to say, and everyone just can't wait to hear you say it. That's the situation now on both counts, so don't be nervous. Be sure you know what you're doing, that you're prepared to appear in the spotlight, no matter how formal or informal, and that you're absolutely convinced of the fact that they want you to do well as much as you do. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Christian Dior Fall 2009 Couture via Style.com. Tomorrow, July 14th's horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo!)
{Congratulations to the following winners of a Maybelline Pulse Perfection Vibrating Mascara from Simply Seductive's first give-away: Gals in the Know; Mia & Salincukta iki Kisi! E-mail me your addresses at cmoisimplyseductive@gmail.com to receive your mascara. Thank you to all the participants!)