(Capricorn, December 22 to January 20: Little details like names and dates are overwhelming for you today, and you're getting a bit behind on the task of keeping track of them. But do not worry -- if you get on the ball and work out an organizational scheme in the morning, you'll get everything done and still have a little bit of time to make sure that you stay sane. Socially, you may have double booked yourself -- given how busy you've been lately, you might want to cancel both dates and take some time alone to relax.)

(Aquarius, January 21 to February 18: Be careful not to relax too much today -- if you let down your guard too much, you could start falling back into a bad pattern of behavior. You worked too hard to get to where you are now, so don't let yourself slide. Self discipline can be tough when you're on your own, so if you feel yourself succumbing to temptation, try the buddy system. Meet up with a friend and spend your day with them -- and away from whatever it is that you know isn't good for you!)

(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: The weather will affect your mood greatly today, so keep an eye on the sky! When the sun is shining brightly up in the sky, all will be well -- and your confidence will be strong. But when the clouds roll in, you could be in for an unpleasant phase of boredom or general grumpiness. So if you expect that an argument could be looming, make sure the sun is shining when you have it. And if it's not, then try to put this conflict-filled conversation off for another day. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, Bersa. Until next week!)