(Practitioner of Chinese medicine Adele Reising suggests trying this Ginger Tea with Raw Brown Sugar recipe for menstrual cramps: Ingredients include three slices of fresh minced ginger & raw brown sugar. Boil minced ginger in one-and-a-half cups of water for five to ten minutes. Add one tablespoon of raw, unprocessed brown sugar and enjoy! Photograph Source, Garance doré.)
(Canada is celebrating its 142nd anniversary of Confederation today... On June 20, 1868, a proclamation signed by the Governor General, Lord Monck, called upon all Her Majesty's loving subjects throughout Canada to join in the celebration of the anniversary of the formation of the union of the British North America provinces in a federation under the name of Canada on July 1st.)
(Congratulations to the finalist of this year's Canada Day Poster Challenge, 15 year old Allison Forseille from Saskatchewan (Saskatoon). In her words Allison describes her poster: "The cheering fans are not only welcoming the world and Olympians to Canada, but they are also cheering for the pure beauty that our country has to offer. In my poster I also depict cultural diversity in Canada by clothing the fans in the colours of other countries." Congratulations, Allison! View other amazing posters from the provincial and territorial finalists, here.)
(Libra, September 23 to October 22: You have the feeling that someone you've never really trusted is trying to get between you and the person or goal you've been actively pursuing. If you're not sure, sit tight and don't do anything that might embarrass either of you. If you are -- and you'd better be absolutely sure -- present your case to powers who will know how to handle this.)
(Scorpio, October 23 to November 21: Oh, this is going to be interesting, that's for sure. Summer is here, and you're certainly feeling it. The heat will urge you to make some serious changes in your life -- and you know exactly where to start, don't you? It looks as if you're planning to begin at the bottom and work your way up. Just let your loved ones know the news as gently as possible. They might not be prepared for this.)
(Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21: As fiery as you are -- and that's pretty darned hot -- when you say you're ready to get the show on the road, as far as a work project goes, there's absolutely no doubt that it's all going to come together, and quickly, too. You're set to pull off something like that now, and there'll be no stopping you, either -- just as long as you manage your time carefully and don't waste a single moment. You can do it. You just need to believe you can do it. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Source, Photography Alexi Lubomirski. Tomorrow, July 2nd's horoscope: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces!)