Friday, October 2, 2009

Weekend Signoff :)

(I am so looking forward to the weekend... the week has been grueling and emotional with most of my energy spent fighting off a flu... On a more positive note, the weekend will bring a candle lit dinner, a mother-daughter day filled with pedicures and shopping for an upcoming birthday and lastly, special time spent with my two most favourite men in the world"! I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. Would love to hear about your plans? Photograph source, Sugar Pop Tarts.)

Favorite Color Combination - Her Name was Lola

(The lovely Lara from Her Name was Lola kindly contributed to this week's Favorite Color Combination series with these gorgeous moodboards. Lara chose this color combination of red and Tiffany-box blue because it makes for such a vibrant color palette! Indeed. What a terrific choice. Thank you, Lara!)

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