(Beverly Hills is definitely a place I want to visit. Now more so than ever! Source, from the lovely English Muse. Original post about palm trees, here. More palm trees to come...)
("The true genius shudders at incompleteness - and usually prefers silence to saying something which is not everything it should be." ~Edgar Allan Poe. Photograph Source, Photographer, Ellen von unwerth via Sugarpoptarts.)
(Capricorn, December 22 to January 19: Saying what you mean -- and meaning what you say -- can feel like a bit of a risk, but then, beating around the bush can get mighty tiring after a while. You can be honest while still maintaining a modicum of diplomacy. The bonus is that honesty begets honesty, and before you know it, you're actually having a meaningful and possibly productive dialogue. Bring your sense of humor and get started.)
(Aquarius, January 20 to February 18: If someone's asking you to do something you're uncomfortable with, you don't have to grin and bear it. Lodge a complaint -- with them, with yourself, even with a third party, if that seems appropriate. Make it official, or at least make a crystal-clear statement about what exactly is bothering you and how you'd like to see it be different. Sometimes saying it is enough to set the process of change in motion.)
(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: An idea about a big change could surface in your life now -- one related to work, or a relationship, or a big trip, or your living situation, or all of the above. So it's a whale of a concept; that doesn't mean you have to panic and start raising alarms on the ship of your life. Watch it calmly and see how you like the looks of it. What you should do will become clear in the fullness of time. Horoscope via Marie Claire. Photograph source, Jenny Packham S/S 09 via Fashion Moment. Until next week!)