(Capricorn, December 22 to January 20: Go ahead. March right on into the boss's office, ask if you might have a few moments of their time, and pull out your list. That long, long list of reasons why you really do deserve to get that raise, bonus or promotion you've been bucking for. Don't be afraid if they get quiet for a little while. They're not sizing you up -- they've already done that, and they're probably quite happy with what they've seen. They're just getting a kick out of you pleading a case you've already won.)

(Aquarius, January 21 to February 18: Guardian angels don't always show up in white robes, and they definitely don't always have wings. They tend to blend in with real folks -- otherwise, how would they get close enough to you to do their jobs? So when someone approaches you today with an offer that's absolutely everything you've been wanting and waiting for, don't bother pinching yourself. It's real. And you've certainly earned it. Have a friend check it over if you're still not sure.)

(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: Your sensitive nature and kindness to others and the amazing way you have of seeing nothing but the best in everyone make you naturally appealing to others. So you probably have quite the collection of fascinating friends, don't you? Well, don't be surprised if at least one new friend crosses your path and they're quite unlike anyone you've ever known. Enjoy them. This will certainly be interesting. Horoscope source, Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, Hermès. Next Monday, September 14th's horoscope: Aries, Taurus & Gemini.)