(Source, unknown.)
{Love the idea of storing dishes in stylish unique and/or unconventional ways.}
(Two lovely ideas for storing your place settings. Source, Elle Decor Nov 09.)
{Daily horoscope for Thursday, November 12, 2009. Please note, I will be no longer be providing a daily horoscope, rather...}
I will be doing a special feature post for the astrological sign that falls within the upcoming month. Watch out for these posts on the first Monday into a new month. For example, on Monday, November 30, 2009, I will provide you with a special feature post on Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21). I will then keep a side-bar reference to that post, for easy reference. I hope you have enjoyed these daily horoscopes. Although it was fun to do, it did require me to insert the content of each post each morning... even on holidays! I think we'll both benefit with the new approach.
(Capricorn, December 22 to January 20: If you want more peace in your life, spend more time with altruistic people. Ignore the drama kings and queens you encounter today. Every time you get involved in their drama, you're fueling their toxic behavior, and it's always a waste of your energy. The troublemakers and the takers cause waves and create problems, forcing your attention their way. Instead, focus on the people who give back -- they deserve more of your time and gratitude.)
(Aquarius, January 21 to February 18: Your eye for detail will help you notice things no one else pays attention to today -- hold on to these little revelations until a time when they will be more useful to you. Your mouth, however, is another story. Don't be surprised if you accidently divulge classified info today. Whoops -- it was just a slip! The best move after a boo boo like this is to smile and offer a heartfelt apology. You have the tact and charm necessary to get anyone on your good side.)
(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: Follow through will be your worst enemy today. You'll start things and work on things, but completion is a whole other matter. Focus on what you can do, but don't burden yourself with too many details or deadlines. That way, you keep the momentum moving forward without getting overwhelmed. Checking things off your list is going to be a struggle, but you can still feel a sense of accomplishment. Photograph source for this week's horoscopes, here.)