(Capricorn, December 22 to January 20: There's nothing like ambiance. It can make or break a situation -- especially a tender situation that might be leading down an even more tender path. Keeping that in mind, if you have something special to say to someone tonight, don't do it over fast food. It doesn't matter if it's a five-star restaurant, or your very own living room, just make it memorable. And remember, whatever venue you choose, make sure the lighting is right. You'll be able to manage the rest.) (Aquarius, January 21 to February 18: You love being an individual -- almost as much as you love for other people to notice. So when it's time to shop, you don't typically head for the mall or anywhere else that everyone else goes. You want unique, unusual, one-of-a-kind objects -- whether you're going to wear them, display them, or give them away. So when that friend you'd asked to go shopping raises an eyebrow when you mention where you're off to, don't be put off. Just be sure you drive. They'll love it once you're there.) (Pisces, February 19 to March 20: No matter where you are, keep your Kleenex handy, and warn your companions that you just might turn into a faucet at any given moment. You're feeling even more nostalgic than usual, and you know it. It's time to stop feeling bad about it. It's lovely to be able to experience emotions that deeply. Just ask any of the other denizens of this planet, most of whom spend far too much time and energy trying to hide what's going on behind the surface. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, Flickr.)