(Aries, March 21 to April 19: A friend who has been missing in action for a really long time will pop back onto the scene today -- and boy, do they have a story to tell about their adventures! So before you get all indignant about being neglected, listen to what they have to say. Be a good audience and show them that all you want is for them to feel fulfilled in their life, not obligated to you. You're not a friend who keeps track of the hours they put into the relationship. That petty person is not you.)

(Taurus, April 20 to May 20: Today you are in an acquisitive mood, and will have an insatiable need for more of whatever you have right now. However, if you obey all of these extravagant impulses, you could find yourself in some extremely uncomfortable financial situations. Try to distract yourself by acquiring things that don't require money -- like time with your favorite people. Your needs are probably rooted in emotional connections anyway. Fulfill your cravings without committing yourself to a lifetime of debt.)

(Gemini, May 21 to June 21: You will become a big part of an exciting development in a friend's love life -- but first you need to learn how to keep a secret! You risk ruining a pretty fabulous surprise if you start hinting around to a pal that you know something they don't know. This is one super secret that you simply can't spill -- or else! Once it's over, you can talk all you want, but until then, keep yourself distracted with new travel ideas or fun errands. If you have to, avoid the lucky person until the coast is clear. Photograph source, Carole Tanenbaum Vintage Collection Jewelery. Horoscopes from us.glamour.com. Tomorrow, April 14's Horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo!)