(Libra, September 23 - October 22: The fun, frivolous aspects of life are going to take up most of your day today, and you'll have a blast unleashing your wit and creativity on everyone around you. Flirting will get you some nice smiles, but be aware that not everyone is up for game playing. As long as you can keep track of who's up for fun and who isn't, you be able to enjoy anything thrown in your direction. Make the most of it today -- because unfortunately, this party period can't last forever. (Natalia Vodianova. Photograph Source, Fashion Model Directory.)

(Scorpio, October 23 - November 21: You deserve to have some fun today -- and luckily, you'll have tons of bright, sunny energy all around you today that will help you find fun quickly and easily. Join in with a large group of people if you can. Being in a group and tossing a bunch of great ideas back and forth will add some unexpected wrinkles to the day -- and you will love it! You are game for just about anything today. Your confidence is high and your reaction time is nearly instantaneous. (Photograph Source, Alexi Lubomirski.)

(Sagittarius, November 22 December 21: Is someone failing to meet all of your expectations? If so, the problem could be with your expectations. This person does not understand the role they play in your life, so it is not totally fair to think that they do. You can choose to either readjust what you want from this person, or you can make it clear to them that they are not cutting the mustard. Your disapproval might just be the kick start they need to get their act together once and for all. You can motivate them. Photograph Source, A Glamorous Little Side Project. Horoscope via Us.Glamour.com. Daily Horoscopes resume Monday, April 13, 2009. Until next week!)