(Libra, September 23 to October 22: You've been running around, booked solid for weeks now. It may have been fun, it may have been overwhelming -- but it all finally ends today. The trend now will be for unexpected cancellations, delays and last minute rescheduling. It won't all be welcome news, but the time it frees up will prove invaluable. One thing to watch out for would be hasty decision making -- don't do it if you don't have to. But this freedom should loosen you up and help you relax.)

(Scorpio, October 23 to November 21: Are you being just the tiniest bit too harsh on someone right now? If you can be more flexible, they can be more flexible too -- you just have to give them a chance to show you! You two can work well together, but first you have to trust each other! Let go and believe that this person will meet your expectations. It's true that you might have to give them a bit more time than you would like, but isn't it better to wait for what you want than to rush and not get what you need?)

(Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21: Everyone has a their own interpretation of what art is -- and some people don't even care. But art offers a lot of enrichment to your life, and you should get more of it into your life today. Explore what other cultures have to offer in terms of music, painting, film and other types of artistic expression. Some things will bore you, some will amuse you, some will shock you -- but all will educate you and make you glad you have this kind of appreciation. Photograph source, Carole Tanenbaum Vintage Collection. Horoscope from us.glamour.com. Tomorrow Thursday, April 16th's horoscope: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces!)