(Capricorn, December 22 to January 19: If you think a friend's new love interest isn't good enough for them, you have every right to voice your opinion to them -- but should you? This is dangerous territory, and it might be best to let this love affair just take its own course. By butting into other people's love lives, you run the risk of alienating them. After all, if they know you don't like their sweetie, then they're not going to be spending lots of time with you. Bite your tongue and observe things for a while.)

(Aquarius, January 20 to February 18: Spend some time in an artistic pursuit today and create a physical representation of your next goal. Want to own a home? Make a collage of ideas from magazines. Looking for love? Write a poem about the perfect mate you're hoping to meet. Use your creativity to pave a path toward what you want in life. While it might not create the results you want overnight, at least it will get you focused on the positive sides of your goal instead of the struggle.)

(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: Good mental health, to some extent, depends on your good physical health right now -- so if you're feeling blue, you have to get active right away! When your blood is pumping those endorphins around your body, your mind starts to see things in a more positive and hopeful light. Diet is also an important consideration -- avoid anything that makes you feel too bogged down today, and try not to eat on the go. Sit down and enjoy whatever meal you're eating. Horoscopes via us.glamour.com. Jo Tyler Photography via Sarah Kaye Represents. Until next week!)