(Capricorn, December 22 to January 20: Today, whether you like it or not, you might have to let go of a few things that you thought were 'must haves' to keep the peace between you and your peers or teammates. Making a compromise is not what your ego wants to do, but your brain understands that it's the best thing to do. Letting go of something you really want can be an empowering experience -- you are keeping your desires from overpowering your common sense.)

(Aquarius, January 21 to February 18: Being polite and having good manners is important, but if someone is rude to you, you certainly don't owe them any courtesies. If someone pushes your buttons, then let them have it. Celebrate your obnoxious side today and use your creativity to craft an insult that will really get your point across. You aren't someone who can sit quietly while someone disrespects you or a love one, so why act like you are? Conveying truth in you actions is never a mistake.)

(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: This is a great day for starting projects that involve improvements around your house. Even if you don't have the greatest handyman skills, you do have tons of elbow grease. So stick with what you know you can do, and do it. Paint a room. Fix a leaky faucet. Clean out a closet. Then make arrangements for a professional to come in and take care of the rest. You run the risk of making a bad situation worse if you attempt something beyond your level of expertise. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, Elias Tahan. Until next week!)