(Capricorn, December 22 to January 19: Business matters haven't exactly been difficult lately, have they? In fact, isn't it more accurate to say that everything's been coming up roses? Well, there's another sweet deal en route -- maybe even sweeter than the last, if you can believe that. So once you're sure that Lady Luck has once again smiled on you, why not share the wealth? You don't have to start a foundation, but taking someone special out for an elegant dinner wouldn't hurt. Photograph Source, Flickr.)

(Aquarius, January 20 to February 18: If anyone is ready for romance, it's you. And the universe agrees, too -- so much so that you've been chosen to receive one of those wonderful evenings that only come along a few times a year. Think of it as having your own personal concierge fairy show up on your doorstep with cash, tickets for two to the event of your choice and a limo -- oh, and the person you'd love to share it all with. Photography source, Etsy.)

(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: Some rumors are fun to hear -- so much fun that when you hear them, you start thinking about making one up to send back via the same messenger. Something along those lines is about to reach you now, regarding a certain someone you'd be hard pressed to deny your attraction to. Don't even bother trying to deny it. You're sweet on them, and apparently the feelings are mutual. Now what are you going to do about it? Photograph source, Flickr discovered via Automatism.)