(Cancer, June 22 to July 22: If you can manage to get through whatever the universe has decided to toss your way at the moment, which will be considerably interesting, you can get through anything. So if your boss or an equally intimidating authority figure happens to ask you to drive 700 miles on your day off to deliver a package, you'll be up for it -- and you'll grab the package and run, with a smile on your face.)

(Leo, July 23 to August 23: It may seem as if you're being nagged about romance, but it's only because you have a reputation that's carved in stone as the most romantic sign in the heavens. You certainly wouldn't want to blow it because you were preoccupied with something as trivial as work, paying the bills or cleaning the house. Right? Well, get busy!)

(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: Don't take things too seriously right now -- whatever you're mixed up in has a long way to go before it's finalized, so you can feel free to lighten up and step back a bit from work for a while. Doing so will help you stay high spirited and smiling, which will make it a lot easier to make a flirtatious connection -- if you're looking to start something new, that is. Otherwise, it will just feel nice to slow down and get reacquainted with the simple things. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, Ru_glamour. Tomorrow, July 15th's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius.)