(Cancer, June 24 to July 22: The rat race is getting especially rough right now, and not for the right reasons. If you're getting overwhelmed by the crowds, step out -- you won't miss out on any big opportunities, despite what others may say. Pressures are driving you out of a social situation too, and that is a strong indicator that time on your own will give your batteries the recharge they need. No one will question your motivation on any decisions you make, so put yourself first this time. Photograph Source, Oprisco on Deviant Art.)

(Leo, July 23 to August 23: Everywhere you go will be crowded and active today, so get ready for some sensory overload. To some extent, you'll get a rush from the crowds. But when you need a break, you'll really need a break -- so pay attention to your feelings as the day progresses. All the activity may challenge your ability to concentrate on a developing issue with a friend. Put off making your next move until things settle and you can get some quiet time to figure out exactly what you want. Photograph Source, jjuuhhaa on Deviant Art.)

(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: Everyone is taking their own journey through life, and that's liberating -- but it can also be isolating, because no one else can truly understand what you are experiencing. Take this fact to heart when those 'in the know' offer you unsolicited advice today. They have your best interest at heart, but in the end their thoughts are based on their own goals -- not yours. Stick to what you feel. This is no time to start navigating by someone else's maps -- you could get lost. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph Source, Oprisco on Deviant Art. Tomorrow, September 30th's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius. )