(Cancer, June 24 to July 22: It's time to let the world know exactly what you want from it. What you're after now is intensity, passion, excitement and enthusiasm. Quite the list! And you won't settle for anything less than all of it. Of course, you won't have to. You've got more than enough energy and high-octane oomph to talk anyone into anything at all. Get out there with your brand-new attitude and show 'em who's boss.)

(Leo, July 23 to August 23: Talk about organized. You haven't been this efficient since ... well, have you ever been this efficient? Not in recent memory. You'll get an awful lot done, that's for sure. So when your coworkers give you the old raised eyebrow, and want to know who you are and what you've done with the person they knew, don't try to say you won't enjoy it. You'll love it -- and it's good to keep 'em guessing, anyway.)

(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: The universe has added a strong dose of mega-efficiency and intuition to your already limitless ability to take care of business and get things done. You'll be more than able to share the wealth, too. So if you come across a friend who's not nearly as on top of things, you'll be happy to help. Just don't end up doing all their work for them -- just save some energy for more personal efforts tonight. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, the lovely Heather Marks by Matthias Vriens McGrath via Design Scene; Elle UK August 09. Tomorrow, September 16th's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius.)