(Libra, September 23 to October 23: The long-distance travel bug hasn't just landed in your vicinity. It's set up shop in your imagination, igniting an insatiable urge to get to that place you've always wanted to see. So at the moment, getting there is the most important thing in the world to you. Fortunately, you know when to go, and exactly the right person to invite, even if you present the offer to them as quickly as it occurs to you. )

(Scorpio, October 24 to November 21: Your sign is known for magnetism and an impressive ability to tempt anyone into doing just about anything. So when someone absolutely perfect walks by, you'll do everything in your power to entice them into spending time with you. If they're already yours, so much the better. You just have to be yourself, and they'll be just as infatuated as they were the first time you wooed them. If they're not yours, let's just say that situation won't last for very long at all.)

(Sagittarius, November 22 to December 21: You've worked so hard for so long on this particular project that you can't imagine finishing it up. That's a good thing if you happen to be in a hurry to move on to something new -- and when aren't you? If you're still trying to get the attention of a certain authority figure, however, drop some hints. Let them know you're in the home stretch and you'd like their executive opinion. Horoscopes via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, some of my favorite Vogue covers from Ze Cali Fairy's collection. Tomorrow, September 10th's horoscopes: Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces.)