(Cancer, June 24 to July 22: The rest of the world's going into hustle-and-bustle mode, but you're in the mood to stay in bed with a good book -- or a good person. Playing hooky might be a possibility, but if you're short on sick days, put on your fuzziest, coziest sweater and face the day to the best of your ability. If you play your cards right, you can probably knock off early and head home to your love nest -- and what a relief it'll be. Photograph Source, Flickr.)

(Leo, July 23 to August 23: Usually you like a little buttering up, but right now someone's applying the spread to the wrong side of the bread. Whether it's someone in your family or a member of your extended family of friends, this flattery doesn't seem to be getting them anywhere -- in fact, they may be losing ground in your estimation. Set your disdain aside and let the situation unfold a bit. You'd want a little slack if you were in their shoes. Photograph Source, Lisa Bjorner.)

(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: Both sides of the bed as well as the foot of it are the wrong side to get up on, and add to that your shoelace will probably break, your bus will be late or you'll forget about that important meeting. How do you fix this horrible, no-good, very-bad-day spell? Break your routine -- take yourself out for a nice lunch, take a long walk, take the rest of the day off. Calling a friend and venting -- and laughing -- might help, too. Photograph Source, Stylist Sarah Gore Reeves. Tomorrow, September 2nd's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius.)