(Aries, March 21 to April 20: You might not realize it at first, but whenever you're in a group of people today, laughing and having a good time, you are actually creating something -- energy, strong support, and friendship. Right now, you'll find that group settings are a great source of productivity, even if the group is a chatty and relaxed one. So try to be as collaborative as possible. Even if it's just you and one other person, you'll get way more done than you would get done by yourself.)

(Taurus, April 21 to May 21: Some weird behavior that has been going on in your social circle right now might be meant to get a rise out of you -- and you simply can't ignore it anymore. Give it some of your attention today, and push back when the comments get too pushy or provocative. Set aside time early in the day to start the conversations you need to have. Be bold and honest -- get to the bottom of things as quickly as possible. You will be very relieved when you do.)

(Gemini, May 22 to June 23: A nagging problem at work or school deserves all your attention as early as possible today -- even if you'd rather be chatting with your friends. This problem involves some time-sensitive elements -- and left unchecked, it could create substantially bigger problems later on. So don't put off dealing with this until tomorrow. You've been battling procrastination for a while, and it's time to get the job done, once and for all. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, Vogue Paris November 09; Anja Rubik by Tyen via Fashion Gone Rogue. Tomorrow, October 27th's horoscope: Cancer, Leo & Virgo. )