(Cancer, June 24 to July 22: Help yourself today by helping others! Not only will the gratitude you receive from the people you aid lift your spirits, but it will inspire you to do bigger and even better things for the world at large! Now is the right time to move forward with big plans. People who have power will be receptive to your ideas, and they will be willing to give you the resources and encouragement you need. Consider a long-term volunteer opportunity: It might finally be time to take that step.)

(Leo, July 23 to August 23: People will be projecting their own issues onto you, today -- so don't listen to those who are pointing out your faults. They're either jealous of you or worried that they themselves are failing. It seems like everyone has issues right now, and their insecurities could start to get on your nerves. Before you lose your temper and tell them off, it's best to go off by yourself and be alone. You can't get caught up in feeding the egos of other people.)

(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: As exciting or tantalizing as they may seem, other people's dramas are going to do nothing but add trouble to your life right now, so steer clear! There is no need to get involved in anyone else's problems, even if you think you have a solution for them. They are different from you, so what worked for you might only make things worse for them. You can express your ideas, but do not offer advice and do not take anyone's side. Stay neutral right now. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Photograph source, Cristina Tarantola; discovered via Absolutely Unique. Tomorrow, Wednesday October 7th's horoscope: Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius.)