(Cancer, June 24 to July 22: This would be the perfect evening to have the whole crew over. You know there's something -- and maybe someone -- you'd love to show off. So why not do it this way? You're an expert at whipping together what you call 'simple treats' that would blow any TV show chef away. But that part isn't mandatory, of course. Your place is so cozy and your company so coveted that a pizza on that wonderful couch would be just as good.)

(Leo, July 23 to August 23: It's very important that you pay attention to one key fact now: You can quite literally have anything you want. That's the easy part. What might be tough is the part that involves you dealing with it once you have it. Sound vaguely like that old warning about being careful what you wish for -- because you might get it? Well, it should. That's exactly the line you're walking. Tread gently, and look both ways before you cross.)

(Virgo, August 24 to September 22: If this secret thing goes on much longer, it's going to make you crazy. You want to tell a certain someone about a certain issue, but you're not sure that you should -- and uncertainty isn't your usual state of affairs. In fact, if anyone is ordinarily quite sure about their next move, it's you. This, however, is an extreme circumstance, and you know it. You're also painfully aware of what can happen with one false move. Don't worry. You won't make it. Horoscope via Marie.com. Photograph source, Ru_glamour. More, here.)