(Capricorn, December 22 to January 19: There is a seat reserved for you in the VIP lounge, though you’re temporarily confined to your cubicle. Your big break is coming, but this is no time to force any issues. If you keep your eye on those high goals, though, networking possibilities will appear and current tasks will seem lighter. Do the slippers and mug-of-cocoa thing around Thanksgiving, when it’s best to take your comfort where you find it.)

(Aquarius, January 20 to February 18: You’re playing wide receiver in the information chain and the exchanges will be lively, entertaining and challenging— just the way you like it. With so much coming at you, it’s easy to overbook, so prioritize to stay sane. And keep that bikini packed in case an exotic travel opportunity arises. Financing a getaway may be easier than you think.)

(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: Thanks you will be giving—if you’re up for a whirlwind romance. Try to keep at least one foot in reality because you will find yourself preoccupied with the balance sheet, in both finances and relationships. This is a sign of the times to come. Assess your status and set goals that will lead to greater net worth, as in your savings and self-esteem. Horoscope via Flare.com. Photograph source, Marloes Horst for Dutch L'Officiel October by Marcin Tyszka via Fashion Gone Rogue. Next week's horoscopes resumes Monday, October 12 (Thanksgiving in Canada) featuring Aries, Taurus & Gemini.)