(Capricorn, December 22 to January 20: There's a threatening gray cloud of pessimism just over the horizon. Its power over your life will increase exponentially with each negative person you encounter today, so try to stick with people who always see the bright side of life and who are good at cheering you up. Stay away from naysayers who tell you the things you want to do can't be done. Because the truth is, anything that you can think of can happen -- if you persevere.)

(Aquarius, January 21 to February 18: Recent fires have left scorch marks on a lot of reputations -- is yours included in that burned bunch? Double-check where you stand with the people who matter today. Your reputation is something you've worked very hard to build, and it should be your top concern today. Chances are, you're still looking rosy -- but the act of touching base will keep you in the pink. Making the extra effort 'just in case' is what put you in the high-integrity category to begin with.)

(Pisces, February 19 to March 20: Keep in mind that your friends in high places are primarily your friends. It would be a shame to forget this fact, especially if you're growing too interested in how they can get you where you need to be. The minute this focus eclipses your concern for their personal happiness, you run the risk of losing a friendship. These friends are valuable to you not for where they can take you, but for who they are. Forget what they do for a living, and pay attention to what they teach you. Horoscope via Marie Claire.com. Stunning photography from Honer Akrawi. Next Monday, October 26th's horoscope: Aries, Taurus & Gemini.)