(First of all, I would like to thank every single person who has visited this blog! I am truly grateful for your visits, comments and especially, for those who have chosen to become followers ~ yay now at 285!
As you may know, I am determined to reach 1000 followers by my second year anniversary of blogging, which is in March 2010 {Update: has been extended to June 2010}! Your help would be greatly appreciated. I truly believe in the spirit of the blog community, so lets help each other out!
Whereas the bottom bar of a blog is normally reserved for sponsors or advertisement, that's not the case here at Simply Seductive. Rather, I propose to put your blog banner and link to your blog at the bottom of my blog from now to June 2010 if you dedicate a post on your blog encouraging your readers to visit and more importantly to follow Simply Seductive! Let me know if you're interested by e-mailing me at cmoisimplyseductive@gmail.com, or leave a comment to this post. Who will be the first?? Happy, happy weekend, lovelies. I hope its a great one! Photograph source, A Creative Mint.)