If automobiles needs gasoline for energy, our body uses blood sugar or glucose as source of energy. Can we take any kind of sugar just to boost our energy level or caffeinated products to keep us alert the whole day? Yes, it is true that caffeine and all kinds of sugar could energized your body that is why there are lots of ‘instant energy’ food and drinks in the market. Those products could cause your blood sugar to shoot up, minutes after you have taken them, giving you burst of energy. But, it is just good for few hours, as soon as your sugar level goes down, it could cause fatigue that is much more terrible than your original state. The tendency? You’ll consume another instant energy drink or food again to keep you going.
The greatest remedy to your fatigue? Say NO to caffeinated food and drinks and refined sugars. Eat a balance diet at regular times, find time for exercise, eliminate salty foods, alcohol and cigarette, have time for rest and relaxation and have a good night sleep. Instead of taking caffeinated food and drinks and food rich in refined sugar to boost your energy level, why not take COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES instead? With it your blood sugar will just increase gradually, on its natural speed, without provoking the INSULIN resulting to longer lasting energy level. Insulin is responsible of lowering our blood sugar level. Refined carbohydrate products and caffeine shoot up your blood sugar in just few minute (not the normal speed of energizing your body) that provokes your insulin to lower it immediately.
Eating food rich in complex carbohydrates along with small amount of protein could boost your energy level, could help you feel motivated and react more rapidly to stimuli. Protein is known in sustaining alertness that’s why by the power of this two nutrient group (complex carbohydrates and protein) you’ll be able to enjoy long lasting energy level.