All you need to have is a quality made extractor and a measuring instrument for the extracted juice.You should take this in an empty stomach too(it means at least 2 hours after meal and at least 1 hour before meal) for great absorption of juice in your digestive system. Here are the great vegetable combinations for those who are suffering from HIGH BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL or DIABETES:
Note: These vegetable combinations and measurements are based on the booktitle: FRESH VEGETABLE AND FRUIT JUICESsubtitle: what’s missing in your body?formerly titled: Raw vegetable Juicesauthor: N. W. Walker
- Carrot 10 ozspinach 6 oz
- Carrot 16 ozcelery 4 ozparsley 2 ozspinach 4 oz
- Carrot 6 ozlettuce 4 ozstring beans 3 oz
- Carrot 7 ozcelery 5 ozendive (escarole) 3 ozparsley 3 oz
- Carrot: 9 ozcelery: 5 ozparsley: 2 oz
- Carrot: 8 ozradish 4 ozlettuce 4 oz
- Carrot: 6 ozBrus. sprouts: 5 ozstring beans: 5 oz
Now that you have 7 combinations of vegetable juices that are good for those who have high blood sugar level or diabetes, you may label them what combination to drink on sunday, monday, and so on and so forth.
I am just your concerned health advocate friend, a nobody compared to your doctor but firmly believes that what we eat and drink has great impact on our health. We are not diabetics in our house but we include this combinations in our daily juice intake for our dinner. And for those that have high sugar level “BETTER TRY IT THAN NOT AT ALL.” My friends who have this problem could testify that it is effective, better try it for you to judge if it is effective or not.