Wednesday, January 26, 2011

still undecided.

i was so going to play it safe and go white....i had my mind made up.  i talked to my mom; she said white.  i saw this pic on brad ford's website and i thought....yep that looks fab (as if i could compare that kitchen to my own).
and then i saw these on his site.....and now i am back on greige.  i have a problem: it's called, i seriously cannot make up my mind for my own house.  it's pitiful (my husband told me to quit playing it safe w/ white...well maybe not that politely- he might have told me to grow a pair).  two days until the painter calls asking my color.  yikes!  do you have a favorite griege color??!

i also got this pic from my FAVORITE lighting company, urban electric, this's now my inspiration for my hallway.....i don't know if i can talk warren into painting the floor but i love it and the lights are killer.

i love browsing that's full of inspiration.  hello, i love this light.  she needs to live in my house....
happy hump day!  off to stare at paint chips on my super bright kitchen walls....
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