Distribution: North America, Eurasia and parts of Africa
Diet: Hares, rabbits, squirrels and prairie dogs
Body Length: 27.6-33.5 inches; Wingspan: 72.8-86.6 inches Golden Eagle has huge brown wings with a slight gray tinge to its tail. Some of the subspecies of Golden eagle are spread over North America, Japan, Korea and North Africa. The Golden eagle is dark brown in color and has patches of light brown feathers on its head and wings. Golden eagles are very agile and have very strong talons. The nests are build on the cliffs and trees and are re-used for every nesting season. Female lay around 4 eggs and incubates them. The chicks are fed for 50 days and nurtured till they become independent enough to fly and hunt their own food. Golden eagles can maintain a territory up to 60 sq miles (or 155 sq km) and can guard it efficiently too.