George Anthony did not appear to mince words when he said that his daughter would not be welcome in his home if he were there. And while that might appear to be a harsh stance to take toward one's own child, regardless of circumstance, Mr. Anthony is certainly justified in his position. Outside of the fact that it appears abundantly clear that his only daughter killed his only granddaughter, his daughter also introduced him as the primary reason why his granddaughter is dead. Regardless of father-daughter bonds, that's simply not forgivable.
Mr. Anthony seems to have come to terms with the fact that his daughter is seriously mentally ill and that she's not capable of normal social function at this time. Cindy Anthony, on the other hand, seems to want to wish the entire event away and took a much more conciliatory tone with Dr. Phil about her well wishes for Casey Anthony. Mrs. Anthony went so far as to say that she would like her daughter to become a mom once again, if she were healthy enough to do so.
After the interview, Dr. Phil said that he felt like Mr. Anthony was very "forthcoming", but that Cindy Anthony was "in a huge state of denial" about the events surrounding the death of her granddaughter.