Mobile Banking Services
Nowadays, banks have come up with a range of mobile banking services for reducing their cost of operation and providing more easily accessible and faster services to you. You can use your mobile banking facilities to inquire about the updates of your balance, statement request, details of the last few transactions and management of pension and insurance policy. In addition to these, you can request the bank to activate alerts, if a threshold limit is crossed, or to set a minimum balance alert. Mobile banking has also made fund transfer, both national and international, quite simple and fast.
You can order or request a check book and card, and pay bills with the help of mobile banking. It can also give you the facility of carrying out cash deposition and withdrawals. Some other services of mobile banking include portfolio management services, personalized alerts, notifications on security prices, mobile recharging, monitoring of term deposits, etc. You can also receive online updates of stock prices and even perform stock trading.