Modern technology has already proved its unique features:
- Instant access to information.
- Communication at a click.
- Bulk processing without human intervention.
- Globalization of resources due to collaborative effort.
- Common rostrum for debate, deliberation and problem-solving.
- Energy efficiency, from the kitchen to the desktop.
- 'Green' living; adopting a lifestyle that accommodates solar, wind and renewable sources of energy.
- Vehicles that run on 'green' fuel, hybrids and popular designs.
- Afforestation; to prevent carbon intensive paper production and encroaching upon 'green' space.
- Environment friendly, solid chemical disposal systems.
- Climate controlled buildings with construction designs to harness the forces of the elements.
- Energy-intensive home and work environment.
Today, a number of technologically driven applications are being sorted to promote energy savings. The 'automated' feature of technology allows us to locate important data and use it for global profitability. We can put technology to use in areas of manufacturing and processing. This will enable us to check on energy efficiency and control demand. Even as we meet costs of technology, we can make it worth our while by using the resource to raise energy efficiency and the quality of interaction between the man and the atmosphere.
Equipment to monitor light, carbon dioxide and humidity levels can be solar powered to tap vital environmental changes and specific measurements. Network-sensors and live webcams can be used to record important data and make near-accurate assumptions for the future. Radar remote sensing technology is capable of amazing feats. It could be used to monitor and help human resources to intervene forest degradation and carbon emission.
We can use the technology at hand to harness wind power and that of water. What is tidal energy doing in the text-books? We could easily use it, to whatever scale, to empower the energy requirement, without further disturbing the delicate balance of nature. Turbine-generated energy, geothermal heating, cloud seeding and iron fertilization need to be implemented on a larger scale.