Choice of Colleges
You need to make a list of colleges you will be applying to. This may seem baffling at first, as there may be several colleges which offer the courses you want to pursue. Keep things simple by narrowing the list to five or six "most probable" colleges. Bear in mind that every college application will cost you an application fee, which is nonrefundable. Take help from your parents, and also from your friends who are already in college and will guide you in the right direction, or even your school counselor who is probably the most conversant about your academic records.
College Admissions
Try to complete the college application process latest by November or December. Before you mail the application, make copies of every single application for your records. If you need financial assistance, contact the college office and ask for any forms or other paperwork they may require. A month after you mailed out the applications, contact the colleges once to verify they have actually received your application forms. Typically, colleges announce admission decisions by March or April. Go through the list of colleges you had applied to, and arrive at a decision. Fill out the enrollment form of the college of your choice, and mail it to them along with the deposit check. The deadline for most colleges to receive the forms is May 1st. Inform all the other colleges who accepted your application form that you will not be attending them, so you free up the seat for another deserving candidate. If the college of your choice puts you on their waiting list, contact them and notify them that you are still very much keen on joining them. You can mail them your latest semester grades.